Primers & Topcoats - Supply and Name Changes

Patrícia Gabriel / 05 April 2023

Our primers and topcoats have changed!

You'll still be able to get both products, with the same product codes, however some of which will now come under different branding according to our sister Group companies.

These changes affect the following products:

Current  vs.  New Product Details

  • FC002  vs  Carboline Thinner 2
  • FC010  vs  Carboline Thinner 10
  • FC025  vs  Carboline Thinner 25
  • FC215  vs  Carboline Thinner 215
  • TS134  vs  Carbothane 134HP Acrylic polyurethane topcoat
  • PM015  vs  Carbomastic 15LT Aluminium epoxy primer
  • PM018  vs  Carbomastic 18FC Two-component modified epoxy primer
  • PM020  vs  Carbocoat 115 Single pack high build primer
  • PM021  vs  Carboguard E19 Two-component modified epoxy polyamide primer

You won't find these products on our website but that doesn't mean they're not available! We'll be reissuing our customer pricing cards, which will reflect the changes on these products.

Most importantly, the full compatibility with Nullifire intumescent steel coatings is still guaranteed and, you'll still be able to get the full steel protection system from a single partner!

If you should have any questions regarding this notice or information in reference to the above, please contact us and for any technical enquiry please email at